Thursday, March 12, 2015

Shots, New Discoveries, and Daddy

Sam went for her 4 month check up. She is 14 lb 11 oz (61st percentile), she's 25.5 inches tall (88th percentile), and her head circumference is 42.5 cm (93rd percentile). She's meeting all the milestones for her age (except she needs more belly time so she can roll over regularly....) She was so happy for the whole appointment so the nurse felt bad having to give her shots. She went all red in the face and screamed, but by the time I had her pants on and picked her up she wasn't crying anymore, but she looked pretty sad. Here's her post-shot face:

She's started sucking her thumb when she's on her tummy. She'll just lay her head down and she's at the perfect angle for her thumb to fit comfortably in her mouth. She's a stinker. A cute one though.

She's making all kinds of discoveries. She discovered that her nose has two holes, in which her fingers fit perfectly.
She double timing it finger in the mouth and one in the nose.

We love going to the park. She LOVES the stroller! Even if it's a bit chilly outside the car seat cover and blankets and hoods keep her nice and warm. There's a half mile loop at the park so I usually run/walk that. The Cook family had a fitbit competition to see who could take the most steps in a day. So I went around that path 21 times! Good thing she loves her stroller; she was content the entire time! And I won. Well, actually Kathy's brother Scott did...last minute! He beat me by just over 100 steps.
She loves eating that bird's beak and pulling on the monkeys arms. It's so cute to see her play and find interest in toys now. :)

I'll be running and then look down at her and she'll just be smiling up at me. It's so CUTE!
Josh works quite a bit these days, it's their busy season at the greenhouse. Some days he works up to 14 hours a day. Including Saturdays. So when he's home we make the most of the short time we have. And Sundays have become even more special because we get to see each other ALL day. And I love that. Even after a long day at work he musters up the energy to spend time with us. It's fun to see him play with Sam. She sure loves her dad.

Love, Aubrey

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