Wednesday, December 10, 2014


We have a place to live. Hallelujah! Ogden will be our home! We are really excited about the adventures that await, but I'm a little bit nervous about it. I feel like I need a bat, pepper spray, and a gun. I feel so safe here in Rexburg so even Utah (Utah of all places!) feels scary. I'm a scardey-cat and need to just relax and have fun and ENJOY THE JOURNEY.

Speaking of enjoying the journey, that is our family theme for the year 2015. I'll post more about that later. (If I remember.)

I went to the Relief Society Christmas dinner last night. The first few postpartum weeks I felt like a hermit who was never going to leave home again (mostly because I had a surplus of milk and no way to contain it) so going to this activity was exciting for me. I got all dressed up and even did my hair! I pumped before I left so Josh would be able to feed her if she got hungry before I got back. That, and so I wouldn't leak. But I wore a vest just in case. The dinner was beautiful. Real fancy. Fancy meaning I had 3 forks to choose from and a cloth napkin. The warm-up salad was delicious and the main course was even more so. The turkey could have used more cranberry sauce on it, but even with the turkey being a little dry it was a really well prepared meal. The relief society had a great turn out. There was lots of good conversation at our table. And then I felt it. I brushed my forearm against my chest and felt it. Wet. Yep, WET! How embarrassing.. As the table continued to talk (and hopefully not notice me for a minute or two) I peaked a look at how bad it was, thinking it must be really bad if it was able to leak through my vest. I look down to see CRANBERRY SAUCE all over my vest, and now my forearm. Really? So I hurriedly but discretely wipe it up into the fancy napkin. But now not only did a spill cranberry sauce all over me I have a big dark spot conveniently placed to make it look like spilled milk! Wow, Aubrey! No wonder the turkey was so dry.
 Rexburg 10th Ward Relief Society. And me with cranberry sauce on my vest. (can you find me?)

Josh and I made sugar cookies. We love Christmas-time. And sugar cookies! While we were making them Taylin noticed that her and Josh were almost twins. All Josh needed was a matching vest. (What is it with all these vests?!) So he fetched his fishing vests and vwa-lah, him and Taylin were twinners.

Skyler gets here in less than a week!!! I may be a little (and by a little a mean ALOT) excited! She's probably taking a final right now for chemistry or physics or calculus....GOOD LUCK SKYLER!

I am back to running. It feels so good to be able to run with out wetting myself. I am thankful for good health and the strength to keep my body active and healthy. That is something I'm going to miss about Rexburg...going on runs and enjoying the view of the Tetons to the east and the valley everywhere else. And the endless uphills. I guess I can still run in Ogden...with pepper spray.
 Stretching after a good 2 mile run and some lunges.
 Gotta love those wall sits.
Sam thinks I should shower before I snuggle her. :)

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