Monday, December 15, 2014

This one's a (picture) book.

I just wanted to start this off by saying how BEAUTIFUL my mom is. Thanks for capturing it so well on snapchat, Anneka! :)

Ok, I should really post more often so I don't write a book each time. I'll make it a picture book so it's not as boring, deal?!

Samantha Jo is as cute as ever. She has the most adorable smile and will laugh in her melts my heart. Sometimes she cries. Sometimes she cries a lot. And she doesn't suck on a binky...which is sometimes highly unfortunate (for me, at least.) But, it may be because she's spoiled and likes to suck on my finger instead. I don't know what it is but she LOVES my finger and sometimes it's all she needs to soothe her right into dreamland.

Last night she was fussy for a little bit so I turned on youtube on my phone and listened to The Piano Guys with David Archuleta and Peter Hollens singing Angels we Have Heard on High. They almost instantly dried her tears and watching the video that goes along with it produced tears for me. A bunch of people in Provo got together and broke the world record for largest live nativity. It was PHENOMENAL. And really brought the spirit of Christmas into my heart, at 2 in the morning. It's all a part of the #Sharethegift on social media promoting that we center our Christmas celebration around our Savior Jesus Christ.

Saturday morning at 0738 James and Cali welcomed the newest addition to the Cook family into the world, weighing 8 lb 12 oz, 19 inches long. Her name is as beautiful as she is: Hazel Marie Cook. She has a white patch on her head similar to Sam's. I'm pretty sure they planned that in heaven, which was not long ago.

We had some friends invite us over to dinner on Saturday evening. It was Thanksgiving all over again. They had a HUGE turkey in their freezer that they wanted to cook. And we were more than willing to help devour it. Brittany is a fabulous cook so dinner was absolutely amazing. We had a great time, filled our bellies with delicious food, had fun and uplifting conversation, and played Scattegories (which I dominated at!) Josh had too much fun eating only the heads off the sugar cookie snowmen. And eating my Styrofoam cup practically to pieces...he thought it would be funny to see me drink out of it and spill it all over myself..the funnier thing is that I don't need him to eat my cup for me to do that...haha. Josh and Glenn discovered their wedding rings are like tops, so they'd spin it and see whose ring spun the longest. (It was rather entertaining.)

That's Josh (if you couldn't already tell from the hat and plaid shirt) eating my cup. Caught red handed!

I went to all three hours of church on Sunday for the first time since Samantha was born! In Sunday School the teacher talked about how in life there will be times we are driven to our knees because there is no where else to go. He shared a story about his wife. He and his wife had four kids at the time and she was sick but they didn't know what was wrong. They went to doctor after stumped doctor unable to figure out what the matter was. Finally they got her in to see a specialist, but by that time she was down to 80 pounds! So she is pretty sick by this point. Finally a doctor had a diagnosis. An 8 week old ruptured appendix. She was rushed in that evening for emergency exploratory surgery and the doctor was blunt in letting them know the chances of survival (especially after 8 weeks) was slim. She was already hanging on by a thread. She had massive abscesses and infection. The teacher spoke of going home that night and being driven to his knees pleading with the Lord to save his wife because everything at this point was out of his hands. He felt the strength and comfort that all would turn out ok. He was in tears as he shared how miraculously his wife recovered. The doctors were astounded. And that was a testament to him of how our Heavenly Father is perfectly orchestrating everything. The very details of our lives are known by a loving and caring Father in Heaven. 

Josh and I are going to miss Sunday dinners at Kathy and Rulan's once we move to Ogden. We love them dearly!
 Grandma Cook snuggling with Samantha Jo. :)
Handsome Josh holding precious Sammy (who likes to stick her bum out)

I just want everyone to know that I own and proudly wear a goat shirt! :) 

Samantha weighs a whopping 11 pounds now! :)

Skyler arrived to "the North Pole" (aka Rexburg) last night. :) She should really start a blog because listening to all her airport stories is well worth hearing! She's such a good story teller! I am so happy that she is here for a few weeks! There is much fun to be had.

I love them so much!

Love, Aubrey

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