Thursday, December 25, 2014

Stories, bruises, and memories

Merry Christmas! Well, Christmas Eve in our house. Ben and Erin arranged with Santa to come tonight because Ben worked on the recognized Christmas Eve. So today is actually Christmas Eve and the kids are so excited for Santa to come tonight.

Either way, I LOVE Christmas. I enjoy reading in Luke about the birth of Jesus Christ. I'm thankful for his humble birth, exemplary life, and redeeming atonement. I love spending time with family. I love the spirit of giving. Christmastime is just a great time of year. And it's a bonus when it's a white Christmas. Like this morning. 

And it's still falling! :)

Josh took Skyler and Taylin skiing yesterday. Skyler snowboarded. They had a good time (mostly) and came home alive and in one piece. They have three things: stories (great ones!!!), bruises, and memories.

Well, happy HOLLA-days!

Love, Aubrey

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