Tuesday, August 23, 2016


    We traveled to Washington at the beginning of the month for our nephew's baptism. He turned 8 and decided he wanted to get baptized. It was a pretty special weekend to see him make such a big decision. This was my first time to Washington. I'm from Georgia and I've been told it's pretty similar, but I was WOWED by the greenery! There were sooo many trees! 
It was a quick trip, but we packed it full of fun. We picked lots of blackberries and blueberries, went on morning runs to explore, went to SeaFair and saw the Blue Angels, ate delicious food, watched some Olympics, family walks, the baptism, church, the Seattle Temple, and Pike Place. The big city is definitely not my favorite but we had a really good time. There's a really cool playground in Seattle that all the kids (and me) played on. 
Then it was back on the road, back to Utah. 
I had some really neat experiences and memories from this trip- so trip SUCCESS. :)

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