Wednesday, November 2, 2016


    This is a quote that a lady from quilting shared last week, talking about the impact we make each week just be simply tying a few quilts. It rings true for many different things in life.
"The power of a waterfall is nothing more than a lot of drips working together."
We are powerful!!
What a good helper :)

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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Halloween

Sam wasn't sure what to think of Samson's mask.

Sam and Lily :)

We walked by this cat each morning and each time we stopped to pet it. Lily went up to it on day 1. Sam would have nothing to do with it. She still had fun and thought it was a blast but wouldn't touch it. Finally, on Halloween (probably the last day it will be up) she gets the guts to "bop" its nose and brush its teeth.

Skyler went "trick or wake" with the Johnsons. She said it was cold, but fun!

Josh, me, and Ronnie Gayle carved pumpkins! They all turned out awesome! :)
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