Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Two Months Old

Look who's 2 months old! (On 1/5/2015) She's as cute as ever. She smiles a lot. She's a chubby little snuggle bug. She's got deep blue eyes that melt my heart on a daily basis. Samantha is 11 pounds 8 ounces now. She likes bath time. She is starting to grasp objects. She always falls asleep in the car (well, unless she's super hungry. Then we get stopped at all the red lights and she absolutely LOVES that (NOT!) ). She's able to hold her head up and loves looking back and forth and back and forth. And back and forth. Especially at 2 in the morning when all mommy wants to do is sleep. ;) She's (for the most part) and good sleeper. Nine times out of ten she will have spit bubbles coming out of her mouth. She is growing and developing quite beautifully and Josh and I are so happy and blessed to have such an adorable and healthy addition to our family. Sammy Jo is wonderful.

Love, Aubrey

PS- Taylin started college!

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