Sunday, January 4, 2015


Few more pictures from our last moments in Rexburg.
 Move out here, Skyler! ;)
We sure are going to miss living in the Rowe's basement apartment.
I am so happy that Skyler came for a few weeks. She was my closest friend growing up and still remains dear to my heart. Sisters are the best!

We LOVE Ogden. So far, anyways. We've both decided that we are going to embrace this new adventure with an enthusiastic welcome. I like the mountains that are in our backyard. The sunsets are nice. There are actually stars visible at night (not as many as in Idaho, but some will do). All the people that we've met so far have been pleasant. We like our home. And we still have family close by. 

Grandma and Grandpa Cozzens and Aunt Sonya stopped by Danny and Tiffannie's on their way to New Mexico. It was tempting to climb aboard and go with them because my dad was also flying into New Mexico and he hasn't met Sammy yet. Plus, I love my dad and miss him terribly! But my practical and very logical father said he'd see her in due time and traveling with a newborn isn't the best idea considering weather and travel conditions... and no room in the car. It was a nice idea though. 

It was such a treat to see Grandma and Grandpa and Sonya. Getting together with family is always a treat. I am so inspired as we enjoy each others company and conversation. It's fun to be updated on everyone's life. It is evident that while we are abundantly blessed we also all have trials and hard times, but it is even more evident that because our lives are centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ we can still find joy in the journey with a hope that everything will work out for the best. In the Lord's time. I am thankful for my immediate family and also my grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins and all the other extended branches of the family tree because they inspire and teach me to be better.
 Davis got a fun remote control car for Christmas. So him and Josh had fun controlling it remotely from the inside of the house. Josh had to get Davis' help because he kept running it off the driveway.
 Grandma Cozzens holding Samantha Jo.
 Ava holding Sammy.
 Good ole Grandpa Cozzens and Samantha Jo
It is so nice to have Danny and Tiffannie's family living close by. They have great kids. We sure love their family! 

Other than that we are still unpacking, cleaning, and getting everything organized. Josh starts his job at Pineae Greenhouse tomorrow (Monday). He's very excited! I'm so proud of him and excited for him! I think I'm more nervous than he is....the first day is always a little nerve racking, right? But he's a star at taking things in stride and going with the flow and making the best of every situation. That's why he's my better half. :)

These two are my pride and joy.

Love, Aubrey

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