Monday, March 30, 2015

End of March

We love when family comes to visit, and we enjoyed a visit from Kathy at the end of March. We visited the Ogden Temple and did our best to get a selfie that included Sammy. Her stroller sun visor blocked everything but the sun, but at least you can see a little bit of the temple.
And the rest of March was spent with Sam and Josh, the two favorite people in my life.

We live right next to a box elder tree. Meaning we have lots and LOTS of box elder bugs around and in our house. And there is one on our ceiling so Josh utilized his blow dart gun to show them who owns the house.
Love, Aubrey

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Relief Society Birthday Dinner

To celebrate the day Relief Society was organized we had a RS birthday dinner for our ward. (March 17, 2015)  What a fun group of ladies. I consider it a blessing to know them. And an even greater blessing to spend the evening with them enjoying dinner, conversation, white elephant gift exchange, and the PHOTO BOOTH. Yep, there was a photo booth. And Sam and I had a blast.

Love, Aubrey

Monday, March 23, 2015

My mom as a Baby

My mom is a beautiful person. And was also a very adorable baby. Nana was telling me and Taylin how mom always had one pacifier in her mouth and another in her hand. Always had to have a backup. :)
It was fun to look at her memory albums full of my mom as a baby.

Do you remember that dress, mom? Nana said you might. And she said the boys name is Tommy...? :)

Mom was not a happy camper in this one.
I love my mom.

Love, Aubrey

Quick Trip to Idaho

I got to spend the weekend in Idaho. It was FUN! And a very short trip. I got to go see so many of my friends and it was really nice to see them and catch up with what's going on in their lives. I got to see Cinderella. SO GOOD. Definitely my favorite movie. It brought out the little girl inside of me. Loved it!

Got to see family and spend time with them, which is always fun!

Love, Aubrey

Eating hair

Sam apparently loves eating my hair. And sucking her thumb. And making her Elvis lip-curl face. And playing with mom's mouth. 

I'm so in love.

Love, Aubrey


As I poured the milk into my cereal this morning I realized I never posted about St. Patrick's Day, or the other million things that have been going on in the last few weeks of the Cook life. I remembered as I was pouring my milk because of this
Our milk is still green.

Sam helped me make the cookies. She insisted on helping. And then fell asleep.
I can't remember what day this was, but I have a green head band on so we'll pretend it was on St. Patrick's day. I love days when Josh forgets to take his lunch and I get to visit him at work!
What I love even better though is when he comes home from work. :)
I may not be Irish, but I sure am LUCKY.

Love, Aubrey

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Shots, New Discoveries, and Daddy

Sam went for her 4 month check up. She is 14 lb 11 oz (61st percentile), she's 25.5 inches tall (88th percentile), and her head circumference is 42.5 cm (93rd percentile). She's meeting all the milestones for her age (except she needs more belly time so she can roll over regularly....) She was so happy for the whole appointment so the nurse felt bad having to give her shots. She went all red in the face and screamed, but by the time I had her pants on and picked her up she wasn't crying anymore, but she looked pretty sad. Here's her post-shot face:

She's started sucking her thumb when she's on her tummy. She'll just lay her head down and she's at the perfect angle for her thumb to fit comfortably in her mouth. She's a stinker. A cute one though.

She's making all kinds of discoveries. She discovered that her nose has two holes, in which her fingers fit perfectly.
She double timing it finger in the mouth and one in the nose.

We love going to the park. She LOVES the stroller! Even if it's a bit chilly outside the car seat cover and blankets and hoods keep her nice and warm. There's a half mile loop at the park so I usually run/walk that. The Cook family had a fitbit competition to see who could take the most steps in a day. So I went around that path 21 times! Good thing she loves her stroller; she was content the entire time! And I won. Well, actually Kathy's brother Scott did...last minute! He beat me by just over 100 steps.
She loves eating that bird's beak and pulling on the monkeys arms. It's so cute to see her play and find interest in toys now. :)

I'll be running and then look down at her and she'll just be smiling up at me. It's so CUTE!
Josh works quite a bit these days, it's their busy season at the greenhouse. Some days he works up to 14 hours a day. Including Saturdays. So when he's home we make the most of the short time we have. And Sundays have become even more special because we get to see each other ALL day. And I love that. Even after a long day at work he musters up the energy to spend time with us. It's fun to see him play with Sam. She sure loves her dad.

Love, Aubrey

Friday, March 6, 2015

False Alarm

The announcement of Sam rolling over may have been a fluke. I mean, I promise she rolled over twice on Sunday all by herself. But all week, every time I put her on her tummy she'll play and push her head up for a minute or two and then cry with her tear stained face buried in the blanket or the carpet, but she will not roll over! Today, I just left her on her tummy when she started crying and I went to gather the laundry to start a wash and I came back and this is what I found:

Must be exhausting. It reminds me of when I was a kid. I use to be stubborn. (I know I know, that's hard to believe...) I would throw a tantrum because my sock wasn't aligned just perfectly with my toes, or the tongue of my shoe was crooked, or my hair had a lump in it....(tantrum worthy, right?..) so I'd cry and then fall asleep from exhaustion (maybe dehydration from all the tears shed...I don't know..). Mom has a picture of me as a kid under the piano bench, or in between the piano and bookshelf...I can't remember.., all red in the face and mad. Don't you miss those days, mom?! :)

It won't be long until she realizes she can roll over by herself. Sorry for the false alarm, folks. Sunday must have been just a sneak preview.

Love, Aubrey

Thursday, March 5, 2015


How is it possible that she's four months old already? She is such a GOOD baby and we LOVE having her in our family. I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to be at home with her all day, to love and care for her and watch her grow. She is happy and healthy. Josh is an amazing dad! And Sam loves him so much. (I do too!!!! Like mega love him.)

She loves bath time. She loves chewing on her sleeves, toys, and fingers. She loves to be held. She slobbers more than I ever thought humanly possible. She sleeps through the night (most nights) which let me tell you, I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT. (I love sleep.) She makes the CUTEST facial expressions. She's a morning person, so I walk in her room in the morning and she's laying there talking to herself and playing with her blanket or sucking on her fingers. She LOVES the stroller. I go on a run or a walk and she is in heaven. She is starting to roll over. When she cries, you can't help but still smile because it's so darn cute. She likes to smile and talk to people. She is curious and loves to look around and be IN the action. Like when I'm in the kitchen she will cry until I pick her up and I'll put her in the carrier and then shes as happy as can be, strapped to my tummy. So she made cinnamon rolls with me yesterday. And her favorite is to vacuum with me. I could write all day about my precious family. We are blessed, grateful, and happy.

Love, Aubrey