Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July Happenings Part 3: Camping

For Pioneer Day weekend, Josh took the day off and we went up to Kelly Canyon to camp and pick huckleberries. We met up with Ben and Erin's family and made our way down the wash-boarded dirt road to find the perfect spot to set up camp. And we found it! It was away from the road, with an open area for Charlie to run, quiet, but surrounded by trees for shade and a nice breeze.

After setting up our tents, Josh started a fire and we began the festivities. Eating chili, hotdogs, roasted marshmallows, exploring the area, playing with the kids, sitting around the campfire chatting, and my ultimate favorite part...looking at the stars! Stars galore! I feel so close to God when I see all the beautiful constellations, how I'm just a tiny speck in the whole grand scheme of things, yet He knows me and loves me personally.

The next morning, after an OK night of sleeping with a baby in a tent (she did much better than I expected), Josh prepared a delicious camp fire breakfast and we warmed ourselves by the fire and enjoyed the crisp morning air. Sam had a great time. She really enjoys being outside, so this was her cup of tea. Really, all the kids were so well behaved and had a great time.

After packing up camp, we drove until we found the end of the rainbow. No, really, we found the jack pot of huckleberries. We could have picked all day and never ran out. But after picking a good stock worth, we made our way back into the busy world.

I love camping.

Erin took some pictures with her camera, which I'm sure turned out alot better than the ones from my phone (all the ones above). So when I get those from her, I'll post them. :)

Love, Aubrey

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