Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Into Everything

Sam is ALL OVER THE PLACE, with her newfound hobby: crawling. And then pulling herself up onto anything she can grasp. She's discovered the toilet paper, opening drawers, pulling out pots and pans, cleaning off the table so that everything is scattered on the floor, banging things together, attempting to sneak to the stairs and get a reaction out of mom, and walking along furniture. It's so much fun! I really do love it! I just have to watch where I walk now, because she moves so fast! I was packing boxes and look over to where she was sitting on the floor playing and she was gone!...So I hurry to the stairs, realizing I didn't shut the door and we don't have baby gates yet..and I go to take a step and she's right under my feet. Luckily, no fingers were squished. She keeps me busy, and I am learning to love every second of it!

Love, Aubrey

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