Every morning around 6:00 AM (sometimes earlier), Josh's alarm goes off. I rarely ever hear it, but when I do, I open my eyes to see Josh roll out of bed and get ready to head off to work. Before heading out, he always gives me a kiss goodbye. He sometimes gets a mumbled reply, but most of the time he says I just sleep on. So he quietly leaves and if I am by chance awake I hear the truck crank on and pull out of the driveway, marking the start of another long work day.
He does all of this without a single word of complaint. Day after long day he comes home tired, but happy and cheerful. And ready to spend time with his family.
This morning I was a little overcome by how selfless he is. As he pulled out of the driveway, like he always does, I was overwhelmed with how much gratitude I have for him, and how much love he has for me. I am so thankful- SO THANKFUL- for his hard work, the way he cheerfully fulfills his responsibility as provider and protector of our family, and for the many things he does for us that go unnoticed and unthanked.
Josh, I love you. Thanks for all the good things you do, especially for our family.
As sad as it is to see him leave every morning, knowing it will be ALL DAY before he gets home, I know that he does it for us and that he loves us. And for that I am grateful.
Love, Aubrey
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