Thursday, October 15, 2015

General Conference

I know General Conference was a while ago, but I still haven't posted anything about it. Mostly because I have been sick the last 2 weeks with some form of a bug or another. (No, I'm not pregnant). And my phone cord broke and wouldn't let me download any photos to the computer. So, now that both problems are resolved, here I am.

General Conference was SUPER GOOD. I definitely felt that most of the talks were written and given specifically for me. The spirit has touched my heart and once again testified of the truthfulness of the gospel.

Ben and Erin and their darling kids, Becky, and the Folks came and stayed with us for the weekend. I also got to see my roommate, Liz, for a brief evening. I relished in all the company we had, and wish we could do it more often.

I didn't get many pictures, but here are the few I did capture from this spectacular weekend.
Bye bye spider infested bushes!

My snuggle buddy Natalie

Love, Aubrey

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