Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Cookie Monster

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Love, Aubrey

Sam is Crawling

Sam is crawling, which means she is getting into everything and is all over the place. It's so much fun! She's started to pull herself up onto things and walk with help. It won't be long and she'll be running with me! It's been a lot of fun to see her learn how to crawl, progressively getting more confident with it. She's not a freidy cat anymore, dad! :)

Love, Aubrey

Sam the Drummer

Full of so much energy. Josh had her all excited to drum on the ramen noodle box.
Love, Aubrey

Sam's Funny Noises

Sam discovers new noises everyday. Here is the latest.

Love, Aubrey

Sam Teething

Sam finally broke her first tooth in! It was rough (one day was full of tears, as seen below) , but now her smile is even more adorable.

Sam on the Swing

I take a lot of videos of Sam. Mostly because I want to remember all the cute and adorable things she does. I try to live in the moment and enjoy how she's developing and growing and getting cuter by the second, but being human, I easily forget. So I take videos and watch them often. And smile every time.

July Happenings Part 3: Camping

For Pioneer Day weekend, Josh took the day off and we went up to Kelly Canyon to camp and pick huckleberries. We met up with Ben and Erin's family and made our way down the wash-boarded dirt road to find the perfect spot to set up camp. And we found it! It was away from the road, with an open area for Charlie to run, quiet, but surrounded by trees for shade and a nice breeze.

After setting up our tents, Josh started a fire and we began the festivities. Eating chili, hotdogs, roasted marshmallows, exploring the area, playing with the kids, sitting around the campfire chatting, and my ultimate favorite part...looking at the stars! Stars galore! I feel so close to God when I see all the beautiful constellations, how I'm just a tiny speck in the whole grand scheme of things, yet He knows me and loves me personally.

The next morning, after an OK night of sleeping with a baby in a tent (she did much better than I expected), Josh prepared a delicious camp fire breakfast and we warmed ourselves by the fire and enjoyed the crisp morning air. Sam had a great time. She really enjoys being outside, so this was her cup of tea. Really, all the kids were so well behaved and had a great time.

After packing up camp, we drove until we found the end of the rainbow. No, really, we found the jack pot of huckleberries. We could have picked all day and never ran out. But after picking a good stock worth, we made our way back into the busy world.

I love camping.

Erin took some pictures with her camera, which I'm sure turned out alot better than the ones from my phone (all the ones above). So when I get those from her, I'll post them. :)

Love, Aubrey

July Happenings Part 2

We met Skyler, Catie, and Steven in Salt Lake City Cottonwood Canyon, to hike to Lake Solitude. After passing at least a hundred bikers and runners through the canyon, we loaded Sam in her hiking backpack (which she absolutely loved!) and began our hike. It was beautiful and refreshing and fun.
She held on to her toy duck the whole time, without throwing it once!

This one's for dad! We figured he'd enjoy a picture of a tractor, and his daughters, all in one!

Taylin is done with school for the year and is headed to Georgia to enjoy her last month there before she departs for the MTC and California!
Saying goodbye to her truck for a year and a half.

Skyler is gonna kill me for posting this. But it's really funny! We went to Savers with Taylin and we found this wedding dress for 25 bucks! We made Skyler try it on, and it fit her PERFECTLY. We seriously debated if we should get it and hold onto it until her special day comes. We decided to put it back on the rack....for a few reasons: 1. She'd have to store it in her closet, which is already limited in space, and her roommates might think it's odd that she's not even dating anyone but already has a wedding dress. 2. Don't want to jinx anything. 3. She's not even dating anyone, and perfectly happy with that. 4. 25 bucks is a big deal in poor college student world. I mean, that could be a weeks worth of groceries. So we just made her smile and took a picture. (She's got a pretty good eye roll going on, don't ya think?)

Late night sisterly fun

Saying goodbye to Taylin at the airport! Bitter sweet. We are so excited for her, but will miss her greatly. Next time we see her she will be set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Skyler has many gifts and talents. One of them is her eye roll.
 Some other random things for July. Which, time out! I can't believe it's already July. This year has FLOWN by. Speaking of flying, Sam loves riding in her stroller (I may have already posted this, I can't remember...oh well.) so we go for a jog mostly every day. She looks like she's saying "go faster, mom!"

What a cutie!

We had a Johnson get together for Caleb's farewell. Here are all the cousins.

Ok, we'll end here for now. Until next time!

Love, Aubrey

Monday, July 27, 2015

July Happenings

It's been a busy month, full of fun and memories. Here are some of the things we've been up to.

We learned that Sam loves car washes. She had a blast! 

Sam and Josh had fun doing laundry:

Nap time, which is always fun! Sam is a crazy sleeper, she is never is the same spot she starts in. She started on her back, with her head on the other side, and then ended up like this. Sometimes she is perpendicular to the railing, with a leg through the bars. It's quite funny,

Becky came and visited for a few days. We ate at HuHot (A super delicious Mongolian grill), and then went to temple square. It was really fun seeing Becky! She sure is an amazing person. Skyler came to Salt Lake with us. And as I'm uploading the pictures I took I am even more amazed with Becky and her ability to avoid the camera! But I got her in the back ground of this first one,  ha!

I logged onto Pinterest and found a project I wanted to do. I was going to build a bookshelf out of wood pallets. DIY, ya know, that whole thing. So, Josh (who is super supportive of me) brought home some wood pallets and we got to work on deconstructing them. We (meaning Josh) got the boards apart, after a lot of hammering with the use of a crow bar... and we set the boards aside for a few days, as we formulated a better game plan. Our neighbor saw our struggle and offered to weld a book shelf frame. Which turned out quite well! So then we ditched the pallet boards and made a trip to Lowes to buy some board, paint, stain, and screws to put them all together. I am super pleased with how it turned out (even though I did nothing myself haha). I don't have any pictures, except of Sam at Lowes. She loves the buggy.

We rent redbox and let Sam play on Pumba as we pick out the movie

This post is getting really long, so I'll end here.

Love, Aubrey