Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Dangerous Dishes

A week before Thanksgiving...the Sunday before to be exact...Josh was washing dishes as I was feeding Sam breakfast. We were talking about our talks that we were preparing to give at church the following week. Josh was teasing that our talks were that morning, which I KNEW weren't, but still suffered a mild heart attack because I wasn't all the way prepared...anyways, so he's washing the dishes and I hear a bowl drop. I look over to see blood spurted across the sink, Josh had a shocked look on his face, and there was a broken bowl  in the sink. I run over and put his hand under the water to get any broken glass off and then he squeezed the dish towel around his finger to stop the bleeding.

A few minutes later we take a peek and realize this was more than a home band-aid could fix. His skin was pretty flappy, which we only saw for a second before blood started pouring off his finger again. Josh, holding his finger tightly, slips on flip flops and I ran frantically around the house getting a diaper bag filled, Sam's shoes and jacket on, and a bra for myself. Then we're out the door to the Insta-Care that is half a mile down the road.

It was every thing except Insta. After waiting for a while, and answering a bunch of questions, they send us somewhere else that takes our insurance. So across town we go, and wait another half hour before they open. Finally, we get in to see a doctor. He opened the finger up and slightly pinched his finger (which just about send Josh through the roof) and blood galore pours again. The next half hour the nurse spends trying to stop the bleeding enough for the doctor to stitch.

The doctor ended up not even stitching because he feared it hit a tendon. So he sent us home with a referral to see a hand specialist the next day. Josh was in pain all day and night, and all the next day because the specialist couldn't see him until Tuesday.

The hand specialist was phenomenal. She said the tendon was severed about 20 percent, so they don't have to repair it, it will heal on its own. So she stitched him up and sent him home with pain meds.

It was an expensive, and painful, way to get out of dishes, but all is well. And truthfully, he was doing dishes the next week. Because he's awesome. His bandage was pretty cool; he looked like ET. So all week we'd keep saying to eachother..."ET...phone home..." haha

Sometimes I curse pictures, they just don't capture it all

Out of order, but this is with the stitches. Looking much better. And put together.

Good bye dish.

Oh yeah, we missed church that day. Good thing our talks were the following week.

ET phone home

These are out of order, and I don't have the patience to undo it and repost them...but this is on the Tuesday. It looked pretty nasty.
Thanks for doing the dishes Josh! :)

Love, Aubs

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