Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ring Out Wild Bells

I knew this would catch my mom's attention, the title of my blog post, Ring Out Wild Bells. This is the song we always sing at church at the new year, and she just loves it oh so much. And by loves it, I mean she refuses to sing it. Why do we sing this song?! My father-in-law isn't a fan of it either. So this title's for him, too! Haha

I can't believe a whole year has come and gone. Again! It's been a good year; it's had its challenges and trials, but it's also been full of adventure, blessings, and good heart warming memories.

Here's the rest of the year of 2015. Tonight we are making homemade BBQ Chicken pizza and drinking our canned grape juice (that I hope is still grape juice...if you know what I mean).

I had to include this gangsta picture of my friend, Tasha! :)

And this handsome man. :)
Josh, Sam, and I went and saw the Christmas lights in downtown Ogden. We knew it was going to be a great night when we pulled into the prime parking spot and only had to cross the street to get there, instead of parking in the deck a few blocks down. We walked around admiring the lights and the Christmas houses they had all decked out. My favorite part of the whole night was the nativity, the one nativity they had. It was the least crowded place, but that made it all the more enjoyable. We both stood there in awe, pondering the beauty of that simple scene.

Everywhere else we could hardly walk around because there were so many people. We got there right at dusk so we got to walk around without it feeling like a sardine can. I'm a no-crowd kind of person, especially with a stroller, so once it got busy we stopped at the tamale stand and then left. But it was a really fun night. :)

Lately, I've realized how grown up Sam is. She's really not a baby anymore...she's like a little human. Walking everywhere, talking, independent, climbing on things, eating real food, wearing big kid clothes. She is a hoot and a half to play with and has such a pleasant personality. It really hit me how grown up she is becoming when I saw her with our friends' baby, who is 6 months old!...

Well, happy new year! :)

Love, Aubs

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