Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Merry Christmas

I love Christmas time. It really is a magical time of year. And here's why!

It's also a magical time of year because of the memories that are made with family and friends. Here's a snippet of our Christmas:

Sam quite enjoyed watching Josh and Rulan snow blow and shovel the back porch.

Watching Grandpa grill some steaks

Nana would rewind the clock so it would play the music over and over. We had a good time with that. :)

Of course she enjoyed the wrapping paper more than anything. :) Typical

Bath time with cousins.

Since we didn't have snow clothes, we came in early. The others didn't last too long outside, it was like 12 degrees, but felt like -15. This is Sam looking for the others who were coming in.
Kids sure love Josh!

It was also merry because we got to skype with Taylin!
This is Skyler's picture, but it's the same Taylin. :)

Love, Aubs

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