Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Spring Trip to Georgia 7

    Here are the other parts of Georgia I don't want you to miss!
Skyler has an engineering internship in North Carolina. Dad had to go there for work the other day and Skyler got to work with him! He's on the right. I sure love my dad!

I met Sarah Waters for lunch and we talked for 3 hours! It was so good to catch up with a life long friend!

Grandma took this of the twins on the last day of school. They have successfully completed the 9th grade. Grandma rolled the window down to take the picture; it was the green car, so the window didn't roll back up. Grandma's lucky she didn't lose her hearing aid out the window as we drove home. Actually, she pushed and pushed and slowly the window meandered its way back up; Grandma didn't put the window down anymore after that. :)

We spent a lot of time at the McLain's pool. Sam is a water bug! She didn't like the floaties. And she didn't want me to hang on to her the whole time, so I let her go under to see that she was in fact dependent on me. She had a blast jumping into my arms from the side of the pool and racing the twins from one side of the pool to the other (with my help, obviously).

The twins had a soccer banquet and they played volleyball and canoed (pictured below). Shelby is in the blue shirt, black shorts, this side of the net to the far left. She made the school volleyball team, yay!

Ashlee! Another childhood friend whom I love so much! I got to hang out with her for a bit! Sarah D came home later and so I got to see her too, but I don't have any picture of her.

Sam slept really good the whole time we were there, and I think it's because we wore her out everyday. She was go go go go go the whole time. :)

Look at that hard working Shelby!

Words cannot begin to express the love I have for my mom! She's an amazing mom and a phenomenal Nanny to Sam! Her and I like to play banana grams when we're together because no one else likes to play with us. :)
Sam was so tuckered out, she just laid down on the floor and went to sleep. I was playing the piano and looked over and saw her snoozing away. :)

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