Thursday, June 9, 2016

Spring Trip to Georgia: Peyton and Graduation

    Sam and I were able to go to Georgia this spring; Josh's work is super busy this time of year so he wasn't able to make it this go around. We had a wonderful time; the only thing that could have made it better was if Josh were to come. Here are some little snippets of the good times we had there! 
Sam did wonderfully well on the flights! After fighting sleep the first half of the flight, she finally gave in and snoozed the rest of the way. We sat next to a nice lady who didn't mind that Sam was sprawled out (Cause apparently she sleeps like her mother.)

Sweet Peyton Lee was born on April 22. He is absolutely adorable and the sweetest (and cutest) baby around! Larisa is a great mom, Jazz a great father, and Peyton a lucky boy!

Sam had to hold him anytime he was there, which was most of the time. :) If I was holding him she'd come up to me, sit down, and tap her tummy indicating she wanted the baby in her lap. She was so sweet with him.

Until she discovered he had a pacifier, then she just wanted to take it and run. Haha

My favorite picture of these two cuties!

When Larisa would lay out a blanket for him to lay on, Sam would crawl next to him and lay down or take the entire blanket before Peyton had a chance to lay down. It was just a lot of fun to see her interact with everyone, especially Peyton.

She begged for his bottle a lot. Sometimes she'd help feed him; but mostly she just wanted to take his bottle.

So precious!
The other reason we went to Georgia was for Anneka's graduation. Yeah, Anneka graduated! It was late at night, starting at 8 pm, which ended up being really nice: 1. Because the sun had started going down so it wasn't sweltering hot. and 2. Sam was tired, so she was more snuggly than usual and didn't want to run around everywhere.

Grandma Cozzens made it out for her graduation, too! It was so much fun having family around and spending so much time together.

Anneka is just to the left of the teacher standing closest to us; you almost can't see her because she's almost directly behind the teacher.

Peyton was Sam's favorite part of the graduation. She didn't mind that he was sleeping. :)

Super blurry, I know...but there she is, the graduate of 2016!

Coach Daniel. He's coached all of us girls throughout the years; he's awesome!

Sam LOVES Jesse; she just likes to act shy around him haha it's cute.

Anneka and the Hunt family :)

The twins are the only ones left at home now! Time sure flies!

Anneka is beautiful inside and out! She has worked hard and made really good friends. She's got big dreams and will do great! Sure love our Anneka!

AWWWWW, what a cute couple! We love Jesse and his whole family! He and Anneka are great examples to those around them!

This is Anneka's friend Venus and one of their cute friends from adaptive PE class. She's gonna miss the many wonderful people she knows from EJCHS. But the next chapter of life brings many adventures and she is ready to take on the world.

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