Monday, June 13, 2016

Spring Trip to Georgia: The Park

    The park. This is one of the most fond memories I have of the whole trip. We all went to the East Jackson park a few miles down the road. Everyone came, it was in the evening, so the temperature wasn't too hot. Everyone played on the playground, laughing and having a good time. We played volleyball, which didn't even end up in a big family brawl. Dad and Grandma sat with Peyton at the picnic table and the rest of us were sweatily (I don't think that's a word...) diving for the ball. We played well into the night; Sam in the back of the sand pit digging her head into the sand, volleyball, running around, playing on the playground, meandering down to the soccer fields, and talking at the picnic tables. The fireflies were out and flickering. There was laughter and good conversation. Everyone was having a good time. I didn't want to the night to end; it was perfect! So perfect we went back again the next day, and had just as good of a time. :)
The playground had a xylophone; I thought that was pretty cool. :)

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