Saturday, April 18, 2015

Georgia: Just Kidding, Idaho's Turn

For the last 4 months (which has felt like an eternity all in itself) Josh has done little else but work and come home, eat dinner, go to bed, and get up early the next morning and start all over. Burnout is a real thing, and he's endured it with a positivity that is unbeatable. We decided that we'd take a weekend trip to Idaho. Tee Contravo came back from her 18 month mission to California and after spending a few months in New Jersey she flew to SLC and we drove her up to Rexburg to start the spring semester.

After beating Tee at a game of memory and once Josh got home we loaded up the car and headed north. Though it was a short trip (we left Saturday evening and came home Sunday evening) it was a very much needed trip. Josh is an Idaho boy through and through, so to breathe the Idaho air and drink the Idaho water and see the Idaho mountains was like fresh blood through his veins. A pick-me-up to get through the last month of nonstop work.

Love, Aubrey

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