Thursday, May 28, 2015

Skyler, the Cougar

Mom took off work for a few days and drove with Skyler across the country, making a short pit stop at the Grand Canyon (which was apparently nothing but fog), and arriving here in our home early Saturday morning. Taylin also came down from Idaho for the weekend to see mom and Skyler. Megan Williams, a dear friend of ours from Rexburg, came too! We had such a good weekend! It was quick...way too quick, but enjoyable nonetheless. We had a good time talking, catching up, laughing, going to see Josh at work, enjoying adorable little Samantha, eating, going to church, and doing family history. Then it was back to the airport so mom could take the red eye flight home in time for work Monday morning. I sure have the best mom there is.

Skyler has been applying for jobs around the area. But she's also been applying in Provo. She will attend BYU in the fall.....WAIT...actually, I take that back. She will start this summer. She just found out that she can take some summer classes. AND, today she had an interview for a life guarding/ swim instructing job at the Rec Center in Provo and they offered it to her! AND, there is a girl that is trying to sell her contract, so Skyler will live there. Things sure are coming together for her! She has classes, a job, and a home, all in Provo. Which makes me a little sad that she won't be here over the summer, BUT I am so happy for her. I think she is going to love BYU, I just have a good feeling about it. There's lots of adventures ahead of her.

This is Megan Williams, who is basically a sister. She looks like one of my sisters, and we claim her as such. :)

Selfie skills.

It's been raining!

That was one of mom's favorite flowers. She's not known for her green thumb, so we took a picture of it instead so that we can keep it alive our memories. :)

Grabbing Grandma's face. :)

Not sure how comfortable Taylin is napping in that position...haha
BYU sure is lucky she chose them! Skyler is going to do so well there, and have fun along the way!! Go cougars!! Sam is gonna miss her though.
Love, Aubrey

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Broken Femur

On May 12 I was sitting on the floor in my room, playing with Sam, and trying decide if I wanted to take a nap when she napped, or take a much needed shower. Then I got a call from my Uncle Danny. He was in Florida on a business trip and said that he got a call from the elementary school saying that Davis broke his leg. And they couldn't get a hold of Tiffannie, so the school was going to call me. So after talking with the principal, Sam and I headed over to the ER to meet Davis there.

As a 3rd grader I'm sure it's nice to get out of school, but not under these conditions...after getting through the X-ray ordeal it was confirmed that he indeed had a broken femur! The principal was in the lobby area with Sam since no one under the age of 14 was allowed back in the patient's rooms. Except no one could get a hold of Tiffannie, a neighbor went to their house to let her know, but she wasn't home. So with a note left on the front door and unsure how long it would be, they let me bring Sam back, which put a smile on Davis' face.

Davis was in pain, probably shock too. He kept asking when his mom would be there, then the morphine would take effect and he'd drift off to sleep for a little bit, and then wake up wincing in pain again. It's hard to see kids in pain, knowing there's nothing that I can do to help.

Tiffannie was at Home Depot buying mulch for her yard. She got home, saw the note, ran to the school in a hurry to pick up the other two kids and double check that she was headed to the right hospital, then made record time to the ER, driving "unspeakable speeds". Out of breath, they came running into his room, and her motherly presence helped calm Davis down tremendously.

He had surgery the next day. It was a rough week, but he was a trooper! I stayed with the kids at home, which has increased my respect for mothers! I kept wondering to myself, how do moms do it?! It's not even the kids that determine if it's hard, because Tiffannie and Danny have spectacularly well behaved kids. But taking care of Sam, helping with homework, dinner (which was easy because their ward brought dinners over each night!), taking care of their puppy-Pippa, cleaning, making sure the kids get up and ready for school on time, letting the dog out, figuring out how to turn off the fire detector when I overcook the breakfast, getting birthday cupcakes to Ava's class on time, and all the other things that go along with everyday mothering....I am so thankful I was able to help out a little while Tiffannie was at the hospital with Davis because it taught me so much and opened my eyes to all the good that mothers do, every day. Even if it seems monotonous and's not! Mothers amaze me! And it was fun to see how Savannah stepped up to help out and pitch in, and how concerned they both were with their brother's well being. We had a good time and I'm glad that I was able to spend the week in the Cozzens' home.

Davis came home to lots of cards, treats, gifts, and two very happy sisters. He got inside on his crutches, practically by himself. If I've learned anything about femurs this week, it is that it is not fun to break.

Here are some shots from the week, a week their family will forever remember.
They had to move him from his hospital bed onto that X-ray table, with a broken femur! And he didn't cry one single tear! His Cozzens blood is full of bravery!

Hard to see, but definitely a broken femur.

He got a cool bear and blanket from the ER. We are getting settled him settled in his room before surgery.

Ava's birthday! Savannah helped her with her poster project, to celebrate the birthday girl! So glad for Savannah's help. Sam was fussy that evening, and wouldn't go to sleep. Ava decided to paint her face with lipstick, like a clown, which took lots of soap and scrubbing to get off. But look at that birthday smile!

Davis got up and walked shortly after surgery! Bravery, he's got it!

Family photo while Davis takes a break from walking.

Ava's birthday!

Davis is home! :)

Davis is home and we are all so happy. And Ava got to open her presents with everyone there!
Love, Aubrey

Friday, May 8, 2015

Kathy's Graduation

Kathy graduated with her PhD! Josh was really bummed he couldn't skip work to join the celebration. So Sam and I went in his place. We got to spend Thursday with Nana, which is always a treat. Then Friday morning we went to campus in Rexburg while Taylin was in class. We toured the animal room located in the Benson building, which she absolutely loved. (She sure is her mother's daughter).

Then Taylin packed a picnic lunch and we went up to temple grounds to eat...Except the weather decided to change from sunny to rainy, windy, and hail-y, with loads of lightning. So we relocated our picnic to the backseat of our car. Sam enjoyed listening to/watching the hail hit the back window. And we got to eat delicious picnic food. So it was a win for everyone.

Kathy's graduation was an evening to remember. We attended the commencement part of it. Kathy was absolutely beaming, all evening long. And for darn good reason. I mean, HELLO, a PhD is not exactly easily come by. And she worked hard. Many years of hard work. I feel inadequate to even talk about the journey it's been because I've only known her for the tail end of it, but it's been a journey of ups and downs and filled with diligence, persistence, and constant support from her family (many fishing trips for Rulan so that Kathy could focus.)

I am so proud of Kathy. And what is even better and more influential to me is her example of humility. She doesn't look down on anyone and does not in the least think herself high and mighty because she has 3 important letters behind her name now. I'm thankful for her example of hard work, diligence, humility, and keeping a positive attitude. She's AWESOME. And it was awesome to see happiness evident in her smile, pure happiness. Way to go, Kathy!

Love, Aubrey

Thursday, May 7, 2015

New Toy

Sam weighs 16 lb 7 oz and is 26 inches tall! She cried right after they gave her the shots, and then before the nurse even tossed the needle she was back to all smiles. She even got a new toy after her shot, which entertained her as we waited for the doctor. She is healthy and growing rather splendidly.

Love, Aubrey

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Park Friends

I usually go for a run at the park in the morning, get a good workout in, come home all sweaty, shower, and then get ready for the day. I have a friend who came to the park with me and she brought her three kids. It was fun. We didn't get much running in because the kids were too scared to play on the playground all alone (I don't blame them..) so we walked a lap and she went to the play ground with her kids. I ran another lap and the 4 year old boy, Tucker, ran some of it with me, then when he couldn't keep up anymore he opted to head to the play ground.

When I finished the lap, Sam and I went over to the play ground area and we sat in the grass with Melissa as her kids played. Melissa said that Tucker came back all out of breath and said to her, "Mom, why can't you run fast like Aubrey?" Then Tucker came over when he saw me sitting there and picked a lovely dandelion to place in my hair. And then he asked his mom if he could take a picture of me with his mom's phone. So basically I felt like a super star.

The next day Melissa came again and we got a good laugh because as they were getting ready she told the kids that they were coming to the park to go jogging with Aubrey. Tucker came in and said, "But mom, I can't run fast like her." Let me make it clear...I am not a fast runner. At all. So the fact that I've been referred to as "fast" simply makes my day.

He also painted me some pictures.

Like I said, basically I'm a super star. And it brings a smile to my face. Thanks Tucker!

Love, Aubrey

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cinco De Mayo

This cinco de mayo is a day to celebrate because Sam is 6 months old! What a joy she is in our lives! She is full of smiles and laughs and loves to talk (and by talk I mean make noises). She sits up all by herself and rolls over. When she's on her tummy she can push her bum in the air and balance on her knees and hands for a few seconds. She started eating rice cereal and baby foods this past week. She's a good sleeper (for the most part) and wakes up happy as a clam. She loves the park and her stroller. She LOVES people, until they try and hold her, then she just wants mom. So to be technically correct she LOVES people watching. She lights up when Josh gets home from work and loves to be held by him. She likes to be outside- sitting in the grass, eating the grass, listening to the noise of the trees and cars and planes and dogs. She is a generally extremely happy baby and Josh and I consider ourselves beyond blessed to have her in our family. Happy half birthday, Samantha!

She liked the sweet potatoes.
Love, Aubrey

Monday, May 4, 2015


This past weekend was one of the best that we have had in a LONG time. Even though Josh still had to work all day Saturday, he came home and we planted a garden. At first we thought we wouldn't be able to plant one since we are renting, but the lot next to us is empty (aside from the jungle of weeds growing) so we decided that we'd utilize that space and use big pots to plant our garden.

Josh fired up the electric lawn mower, which actually worked surprisingly well. We cleared a space where the pots go. The owner of Pineae told us that we were welcome to any of the pots they use for the nursery trees and the soil as well, as perks of the job. So we took him up on the offer.

Sam had a fun time being outside and watching Josh mow and mix up the soil. We all had a good time. A much needed good time. With beautiful weather to accompany us. It made me anxious to have Josh home all day on Saturdays! Which is only a few weeks away....we can do it!

Love, Aubrey