Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cinco De Mayo

This cinco de mayo is a day to celebrate because Sam is 6 months old! What a joy she is in our lives! She is full of smiles and laughs and loves to talk (and by talk I mean make noises). She sits up all by herself and rolls over. When she's on her tummy she can push her bum in the air and balance on her knees and hands for a few seconds. She started eating rice cereal and baby foods this past week. She's a good sleeper (for the most part) and wakes up happy as a clam. She loves the park and her stroller. She LOVES people, until they try and hold her, then she just wants mom. So to be technically correct she LOVES people watching. She lights up when Josh gets home from work and loves to be held by him. She likes to be outside- sitting in the grass, eating the grass, listening to the noise of the trees and cars and planes and dogs. She is a generally extremely happy baby and Josh and I consider ourselves beyond blessed to have her in our family. Happy half birthday, Samantha!

She liked the sweet potatoes.
Love, Aubrey

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