Monday, May 4, 2015


This past weekend was one of the best that we have had in a LONG time. Even though Josh still had to work all day Saturday, he came home and we planted a garden. At first we thought we wouldn't be able to plant one since we are renting, but the lot next to us is empty (aside from the jungle of weeds growing) so we decided that we'd utilize that space and use big pots to plant our garden.

Josh fired up the electric lawn mower, which actually worked surprisingly well. We cleared a space where the pots go. The owner of Pineae told us that we were welcome to any of the pots they use for the nursery trees and the soil as well, as perks of the job. So we took him up on the offer.

Sam had a fun time being outside and watching Josh mow and mix up the soil. We all had a good time. A much needed good time. With beautiful weather to accompany us. It made me anxious to have Josh home all day on Saturdays! Which is only a few weeks away....we can do it!

Love, Aubrey

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