Friday, May 8, 2015

Kathy's Graduation

Kathy graduated with her PhD! Josh was really bummed he couldn't skip work to join the celebration. So Sam and I went in his place. We got to spend Thursday with Nana, which is always a treat. Then Friday morning we went to campus in Rexburg while Taylin was in class. We toured the animal room located in the Benson building, which she absolutely loved. (She sure is her mother's daughter).

Then Taylin packed a picnic lunch and we went up to temple grounds to eat...Except the weather decided to change from sunny to rainy, windy, and hail-y, with loads of lightning. So we relocated our picnic to the backseat of our car. Sam enjoyed listening to/watching the hail hit the back window. And we got to eat delicious picnic food. So it was a win for everyone.

Kathy's graduation was an evening to remember. We attended the commencement part of it. Kathy was absolutely beaming, all evening long. And for darn good reason. I mean, HELLO, a PhD is not exactly easily come by. And she worked hard. Many years of hard work. I feel inadequate to even talk about the journey it's been because I've only known her for the tail end of it, but it's been a journey of ups and downs and filled with diligence, persistence, and constant support from her family (many fishing trips for Rulan so that Kathy could focus.)

I am so proud of Kathy. And what is even better and more influential to me is her example of humility. She doesn't look down on anyone and does not in the least think herself high and mighty because she has 3 important letters behind her name now. I'm thankful for her example of hard work, diligence, humility, and keeping a positive attitude. She's AWESOME. And it was awesome to see happiness evident in her smile, pure happiness. Way to go, Kathy!

Love, Aubrey

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