Friday, April 22, 2016

A Fun Weekend

    Last weekend Skyler came up and hung out with us. She's in between semesters right now; except for the last final we helped her study for. It was pretty fun to quiz her on the second half of the Book of Mormon; I learned some things I hadn't previously known. :)
We also spent some time in the yard, Josh and Sam put together the garden watering system. Then we all played baseball with this tiny baseball bat that we found the day we moved in (in the spider bushes...ew, so glad those are gone!). Little rocks were our makeshift baseballs. Josh kept missing it so we were teasing him about it and then he challenged us to give it a's definitely harder than it looks cause we kept missing it, too! Until Skyler figured out the have to jump while swinging...for some unknown reason, that worked. Every time.
Skyler and I stayed up super late (12:30 am, just in case anyone was wondering...honestly that's considered super super late, cause super late to me is like 10 pm.)...But we were watching a really good movie, and we both stayed awake through the whole thing! :)

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