Tuesday, April 12, 2016

General Conference

General Conference was amazing, as usual! The ones that I starred, the ones that really stood out to me include Snow's talk about hymns teaching truth and humility. Ballards, about family councils. Christofferson's, about Fatherhood. I was overcome with such love for my dad, he truly is the best dad in the whole wide world and I owe him so much thanks for love for all he's done for me. And I was overcome with an immense amount of love for Josh who is an amazing father to Sam. Uchtdorf's talk about new life from ashes, and being rebuilt really touched my heart. I didn't get the name of this speaker (our internet was glitching so we listened on the radio for the last half), but he talked about the humanitarian efforts and reaching out in love to the many refugees who have fled or were forced from their homes. I ended conference with a heart full of the spirit, being uplifted significantly. I am glad that I was able to watch conference with my sweetheart, and so grateful that he has such a strong testimony of the gospel.
Josh hung up family pictures for me. :)

This is our selfie right before conference began. :)
 If you want to watch all of conference, here's the link!

  photo Signature_zpsxmz3txgv.png

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